15. 5. - 1. 7. 2024.
日本の文化とテクノロジーに特化した 6 週間のイベント
Japan in Rijeka
A six-week event dedicated to Japanese culture and technology
Japan u Rijeci
Šestotjedno događanje posvećeno japanskoj kulturi i tehnologiji
7. 5. – 14. 5.
Postav plakata "Japan u Rijeci" na otvorenom, Korzo Exhibition display of posters "Japan in Rijeka", outdoors on Korzo
On main pedestrian area in Rijeka (Korzo) we will put 20 posters dedicated to this program, a small exihibition about Japan in Rijeka. On this 20 boards will be photos from 1930's when was japanese delegation visited torpedo factory in Rijeka, story about the ship Shin Sakura Maru that was in Rijeka in 1976 and many things that fascinate us in the history and culture of Japan.
8. 5. – 15. 5.
Izrada murala „Japan u Rijeci“ uz podršku Grada Kawasakija i Grada Rijeke - umjetnik Yusei Sagawa, ulica Ivana Grohovca Creation of "Japan in Rijeka" mural with the support of the Kawasaki City and City of Rijeka - artist Yusei Sagawa, Ivana Grhovca Street
In cooperation with Kawasaki City we will host a Japanese artist who will design and paint a large mural in Ivan Grohovac Street. The building is 11.3 meters wide × 25 meters high. The theme of the mural is the decades-long friendship between the cities of Kawasaki and Rijeka.
15. 5. – 1. 7.
„30 godina PlayStationa“- izložba i turniri u igrama, Exportdrvo na Delti, drugi kat „30 Years of PlayStation“ – exhibition and game tournaments, Exportdrvo venue, second floor
The exhibiton is dedicated to 30th anniversary of Sony PlayStation game console and also to history of Sony - the largest Japanese electronics company. The exhibition will present almost 200 items and many historical facts from early history of Sony. A number of rare PlayStation consoles will be displayed from the museum's collection. Guided tours will be available. Open on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., on Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed on Sundays. It is open on the holiday of May 30.
15. 5. – 25. 5.
„Japanski oldtimeri“ – izložba japanskih automobila i motocikala u suradnji s Oldtimer klubom Rijeka, Exportdrvo „Auto-moto Japan“ – venue: Exportdrvo warehouse, first floor
Organizers of this exibiton are Oldtimer Club Rijeka, „Peek&Poke“ and Suzuki A.C. Integra, Auto kuća Lenac, Auto Hrvatska, Subaru and Yamaha. We will show japanese oldtimer cars from japanese manufacturers. During the show we will organize guided tours for groups.
17. 5. - 30. 9.
„Moj Japan“ - izložba, Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja „My Japan“ – exhibition, Maritime and History Museum of Croatian Coast
Organizers of this exhbition are Maritime Museum and The Computer Museum Peek&Poke. The opening ceremony will be in Maritime Museum gallery. Maritime Museum will show exhibits from their collection about Japan and also stories from people in Croatia who visited Japan for the first time, their impressions and their souvenirs. Opening on May 17 at 7 p.m.
20. 5. – 25. 5.
Tjedan japanskih slastica - Slastičarnica Slon, ispred katedrale Sv. Vida Week of Japanese sweets - Slasticarnica Slon
Slasticarna Slon in front of the Cathedral of St. Vid will offer a special selection of the best Japanese sweets. Enjoy!
24. 5. – 25. 5.
„Shibari – umjetnost čvorova" - radionica (18+), O.K.C. Palach „Shibari – art of tying“ – workshop, Club Palach
Portugal master Pedro Cordas will performe shibari technik skills with presentation and workshop for couples. This performans will be in the Music Club Palach and it will be for 18+ only. Workshop for couples starts on Friday at 20.00 till 00.00 (sold out). On Saturday at 19.00 there will be shibari presentation show (tickets available in PEEK&POKE for 5 € or before the show).
31. 5. - 20.30 h
„Japan iznutra“ – predavanje, Velimir Grgić, Book Caffe Dnevni boravak „Japan inside“ - lecture, Velimir Grgić, Book Caffe Dnevni boravak
Velimir Grgić is croatian journalist, movie diretcor, writer. He published two books about his imepressions in Japan and during this program he will have presentation of his books and talks with public.
6. 6.
Diskografija Japana - panel, Book Caffe Dnevni boravak, nakon panela Japan Pub nagradni kviz, The Beertija Klub Discography of Japan panel, Book Caffe Dnevni boravak, after the panel: Japan Pub Quiz with prizes, The Beertija Club
7. 6. - 20.00 h
„Elis po japonski“ - koncert Elis Lovrić i Utako Toyama , Palazzo Modello Concert of Elis Lovrić and Utako Toyama, Palazzo Modello
Elis Lovrić is Croatian composer and last year she publish album in cooperation with Japanese artist Utako Toyama. Last year Elis had a musum tour in Japan (Osaka, Kobe, Tokyo…) and this concert will be first time in Croatia with Elis and Utako together. Tickets available at PEEK&POKE, Dallas Music Shop or on Entrio online system.
8. 6. – 9. 6.
Turnir u judu i kendu u organizaciji Riječkog sportskog saveza, Sportsko-rekreacijski centar 3. maj Tournament in kendo and judo, Sports Center 3. maj
Organizers of this tournament are Sport federation of Rijeka City and Peek&Poke. Idea of this event is to present japanese „defensive“ sports and to support local Judo, Kendo and Aikido clubs.
12. 6. - 19.00 h
Predavanje o arhitekturi Japana "Od plave kutije do čeličnog okvira, mali je korak” - Miroslav Rajić i Krešimir Rogina, DAR Rijeka Lecture on the architecture of Japan "It's a small step from a blue box to a steel frame" - Miroslav Rajić i Krešimir Rogina, DAR Rijeka
Experts from the famous Rijeka architectural studio MR2 will hold a lecture on historical and modern Japanese architecture and its innovations and specificities.
15. 6. – 16. 6.
"Dva štapića i sushi" - dani japanske gastronomije, Exportdrvo Japanse gastronomy – venue: Exportdrvo Warehouse, japanese gastrofest
Organizer of japanese gastronomy days is Pajol bar from Rijeka. During the program they will offer japanese drinks, food and, in partnersip with chefs, they will have sushi workshops for kids and adults.
15. 6. - 9.00 h
Turnir u Yu Gi Oh kartama Udruge 3. Zmaj Rijeka, Exportdrvo Yu Gi Oh card tournament, Exportdrvo Warehouse
In partnership with nonprofit organisation „3. zmaj Rijeka“ we will have a Yu Gi Oh card tournament. The best player will be rewarded with a Sony PlayStation 5 game console! Registration from 9 a.m., the tournament starts at 10 a.m.
19. 6. - 18.00 h
Japan@ljetni_Benčić, Japanski literarni blok, Gradska knjižnica Rijeka Japanese literary block, Rijeka City Library
In partnership with the Rijeka City Library, you will be able to learn more about Japanese literature, attend an unusual handicraft workshop, and watch a Kamishibai theater performance.
20. 6. - 20.00 h
Karin Nakagawa - koncert, Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja Karin Nakagawa - concert, Maritime and History Museum of Croatian Coast
Karin Nakagawa is an artist who plays the traditional Japanese koto instrument. This will be her first time in Rijeka. Door opens at 20.00 h, concert starts at 21.00 h. Tickets are available on Entrio online system and in Dallas Music Shop Rijeka and in PEEK&POKE.
27. 6. - 19.00 h
"Sakuramichi - Japan u sto slika" - predavanje, Rajka Jurdana Šepić, Guvernerova palača "Sakuramichi - Japan in 100 photos" - lecture, Rajka Jurdana Šepić, Governor's Palace
When the dean of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Rijeka prepares a lecture on Japan, you can bet that two hours will fly by in a breath!
28. 6. - 20.30 h
Noriko Tadano - koncert, Trsatska gradina Concert, shamisen workshop, end of program, Trsat Castle
Noriko Tadano is a Japanese musician. She will play the shamisen for two days. First day she will have open air conert in very atractive location of Trsat castle. Next day she will present shimasen during workshop for kids and musicians. Tickets are available on Entrio online system and in Dallas Music Shop Rijeka and in PEEK&POKE.
29. 6. - 10.00 h
"Japanska avantura - jutro u muzeju" - radionica za djecu, Guvernerova palača, 10 - 12 h "Japanese adventure - morning at the museum" - workshop for kids, Governor's Palace, 10 - 12 h
All about Japan, but adapted for children.
29. 6. - 11.00 h
Japan@ljetni_Benčić, Japanska pričaonica, Gradska knjižnica Rijeka Japanese storybook workshop, Rijeka City Library
In partnership with the Rijeka City Library, you will be able to learn more about Japanese literature.
Pokrovitelji i partneri